Model G, direct drive centrifugal roof exhaust fans provide the industry's best performance and durability for general clean air applications where air is discharged downward, toward the roof. Units feature the most advanced motor cooling of any fan in its class.
19 x 19 inch base with prepunched mounting holes for easy attachment to roof curb
Energy-efficient, speed controllable, Vari-green® motor
For natural gravity or positive pressure systems, model GRS offers excellent performance and durability for intake or relief applications. Featuring an exceptional low silhouette design and rugged construction this model is both efficient and economical.
22 x 22 inch base with prepunched mounting holes for easy attachment to roof curb
All aluminum exterior for corrosion-resistant construction
Integral birdscreen to prevent entry of birds and small objects
Ceiling radiation dampers are designed to protect penetrations through the ceiling membrane of fire resistive floor ceiling and/or roof ceiling assemblies. These products are tested and listed in accordance with UL Standard 555C.
UL tested and labeled for protection of ceiling openings in fire-rate floor/ceiling assemblies with fire resistance ratings of 3 hours or less
Diameter furnished approximately 0.25 in. under size